Selamat Datang di Forum Buatan Anak K3 2007. Semoga Forum ini Dijadikan Tempat saling berbagi ilmu, informasi dan apapun itu berkaitan dengan K3

Bahan Kuliah

Manajemen Bencana&Keadaan Darurat
1.Major Hazards Classification
2.Pedoman Penanggulangan Bencana Bidang Kesehatan
3.Thermal Radiation

Manajemen Bising & Getar
1. Sesi 1 (Introduction)
2. Sesi 2 (Kebisingan)
3. Sesi 3 (Vibration)

4. Sesi 1 setelah UTS
5. Bising Getar Pak Soca

Teknologi Komputer
1. Silabus
2. Sesi 1 (sejarah Komp)
3. sesi 2 (perkembangan HW)
4. sesi 3
5. sesi 4

Pengembangan Relasi & Negosiasi
1. Silabus
2. Dasar Insani
3. Listening Skill

Surveilans KesMas (Bpk Mondastri&Team)
1. Tinjauan
2. Sejarah Perkembangan
3. Konsiderasi
4. Sumber Data
5. Manajemen Sistem
6. Analisis&Interpretasi Data
7. Isu Analitik Khusus
8. Pengkomunikasian
9. Penilaian
10.Persoalan Etika
12.Komputerisasi Sistem
13.Persoalan Nasional&Lokal
14.Persoalan Negara Brkembang

Epidemiologi K3
1. Epidemiologi di Bidang K3
2. Ukuran Frekuensi (B.Renti)
3. Pengukuran Frekuensi (B.Mila)
4. sesi 11-Studi kohort
5. Sesi12-Case Control
6. sesi 13-Cross Sectional
7. pdf jurnal crosecc bule dkk
8. pdf jurnal bebas bule&dekky
9. Klp Adel
10.Klp Cesie
11. Klp Dheni
12. Klp Dipta
13. Klp Ely
14. Klp Apri
15. Klp Garna
16. Klp Mega
17. Klp Ezra
18. Klp Rubi
19. Klp Sesmery
20. Klp Nugraha
21. Klp Rika
22. Klp PeWe

Human Error Prevention
1. Introduction
2. Guidelines for Preventing Human Error in Process Safety
3. Human Factors in OHS

Pengembangan MedKomKes
1. Kumpulan Template
2. Silabus
3. Proses Pengembangan Media

Ergonomi Terapan

1.Task Analysis
2.Manual Handling
3.MAC Tools
4.Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA)
5.Rapid Upper Limb Assesment (RULA)
6.Ovako Working Posture Analysis System(OWAS)
7.Baseline Risk Identification of Ergonomic Factor(BRIEF)
8.NIOSH Lifting Equation
9.Office Ergonomic
10.Video Case Study Manual Handling
11.Video Manual Handling Assesment

Managemen Risiko
1. Overview Risik Management
2. Risk Management Process
3. Risk Identification
4. Risk Analysis
5. Risk Score
6. JHA (Job Hazard Analysis)**
7. Applications Of HAZOP
8. Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures
9. Mapping Brass
10.Risk Analysis OHS in UI
11.Health Risk Assesment
12.Guidance on Occupational HRA
13.Pipeline Risk Management1
14.Pipeline Risk Management 2

Temperatur, Tekanan Ekstrim dan Illuminasi
1. Basic Concept of Heat Stress
2. Control of Heat&Cold Stress
3. Human Response to Heat Stress
4. Environmental Heat Measurement
5. Monitoring and Evaluation of Heat Stress
6. Barometric Hazard
7. Basic Lighting
8. Lighting design
9. Human Response to Lighting
10. Lighting Measurement
11. Recommended Illuminance Categories
12. SNI Penerangan

Chemical Hazard
1. Video Sampling
2. NIOSH Pocket Guide To Chemical Hazard

OHS Management System (Kelas Pak Ridwan)
1. OHS Management System in Mining
2. Process Safety From IPSS

(Kelas Pak Dadan)
1. Overview OHS Management
2. The Development of OHS Management System

K3 Rumah Sakit
1. Biological Hazard
2. Physical&Chemical Hazard
3. Ergonomic Hazard
4. First Aid
5. Accident Compensation
6. Bahaya Psikososial
7. Hospital safety
8. Undang2 No. 1 thn 1970

Metodologi Ilmiah
1. Software Sample Size
2. Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Penelitian
3. Teori Penelitian
4. Rumusan Masalah
5. Design Penelitian
6. Kerangka Teori dan Konsepsional
7. Penelitian Kualitatif
8. Sampling **
9. Pengukuran
Manajemen Data
12.Analisis Data
13.Kualitatif Vs Kuantitatif
15.Format Kritik Proposal

Manajemen dan Analisis Data 1
1. Analisis Data (Uji Validitas&reliabilitas)
2. Analisis Univariat
3. Analisis Bivariat
4. SPSS 15

Semester 3 dan 4

1 Air dan sistem buffer
2 Metabolisme KH&Lipid

1. Sesi 2 & 3
2. Sesi 4
3. Sesi 5
4. Sesi 6 - 9.rar

1. Silabus Dasar Keselamatan
2. Konsep Dasar Keselamatan Kerja
3. overview workplace safety management
4. Safety inspection and audit
5. workplace management program permit to work
6. workplace safety program
7. Hazard Identifikasi
8. Hazard Risk Concept
9. Electrical Safety
10. work site hazard analysis
11. Investigasi

1. Fasilitas Sanitasi
2. Sanitasi Limbah Domestik
3. Sanitasi Air di Tempat Kerja
4. Kepmenkes RI
5. Kumpulan Materi Pak Hendra
6. Food Hazard&Disease
7. Food Sanitation 1
8. Food Sanitation 2
9. Form Sanitasi
11.Kontaminasi Makanan
12.Personal Hygiene

1. Bahan Perpu Full Version

1. Aspek Prilaku K3 sesi 1
2. Aspek Prilaku K3 sesi 2
3. Aspek Prilaku K3 sesi 3

Tambahan Safety (dari Dekky)
1. Implementasi K3L Subdit PLK UI
2. Audit Process
3. Basic Concept in safety Audit
4. Case Study
5. Chemical Safety
6. Chemical Safety Training Module
7. Chemical in the workplace by ILO
8. Critical Part Inspection
9. General Inspection
10.Hazard and Risk Concept
11.Hazard Identification
12.Implementasi Investigasi Kecelakaan
13.Inspkesi dan Audit K3
14.Machine Safe Guarding
15.Overview Promosi Keselamatan kerja
16.Overview Workplace Safety Program
17.Permit to work
18.Safety Equipment
19.Safety Inspection and Audit
20.Teknis Pelaksanaan Audit
21.Worksite Hazard Analysis

1. Case Study
2. Control Display
3. Ergonomic Environment Risk Factor
4. Human Body
5. Working Posture

1. Ergonomics
2. Fire Loss Control
3. Hazard, Risk and Control
4. Industrial Hygiene
5. Kecelakaan Kerja
6. Kesehatan Kerja
7. Keselamatan Kerja
8. Konsep Dasar K3
9. OHS Management System
10.Penyakit Akibat kerja
11. Peraturan Perundangan K3
12. Risk Management
13. Surveilans Kesehatan Kerja

Referensi Lain

Peraturan Perundangan
1. UU No.32 th. 2009 (Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup)
2. UU No.22 th. 2009 (Lalu Lintas)
3. UU No.1 th. 1970 (Ketenagakerjaan)
4. UU No. 36 th.2009 (Kesehatan)

Hygiene Industri
1. Fundamental of Industrial Hygiene 5th Ed.

Seminar "Safety In Campus" 2010
1. Fire Safety
2. Safety Design
3. Building Safety

Fire Prevention

1. Evaluation of Fire Safety

Managemen Bencana&Keadaan Darurat
1. Lose Prevention in Process Industries 3rd Ed. Volume1,2,3 (Frank Lees) password .rar :

2. Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents (ILO)
3. Loss Prevention: Hazard Idenitification, Assessment and Control 2nd ed. (Frank Lees)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3

Human Error
1. Human Error-Cause&Control
2. Guidelines for Preventing Human Error in Process Saefety
3. Human Error (Paul Preuss)

Pengembangan MedKomKes
1. Advance Digital Photo
2. Creating Images
3. Film & TV Budget
4. Fotographic Lighting
5. Single Video Camera
6. Strategies for Print Media
7. Tele Production Handbook
8. The Media Handbook
9. Understanding GraDesign

Safety :

1. Literatur SafetyErgonomi
1. e-book Body Space
2. Fundamental of Ergonomic Assesment Tools

Managemen Risiko
1. Risk and Value Management
2. A guide to Health Risk Assesment

Peraturan K3
1. Himpunan Peraturan Perundangan K3 Indonesia

Bahaya Kimia
1. NIOSH Pocket Guide Chemical Hazard

1. Essential of Understanding Psychology

Seminar Pengembangan Kompetensi K3
1. Slide Pete K309
2. LPJ PeTe K309

Managemen K3
1. Health and Safety Management System

Safety Technical Meeting K3 (OHSC)
1. Komunikasi K3 di Pertambangan
2. Prinsip 5S
3. Safety Communication in Contruction

File Depnakertrans
1. JukLak Bln K3 2010-2014

18 February 2009

info kilat

18 February 2009
ada pengumuman lagi neh,di mading K3 ada tertulis bagi yg mau SP prom kes k3 bisa tulis namana di kertas yg dtempel di mading k3,nAH lo-lo pada pasti kberatan kn dgn harga SP yg melambung tinggi? Nah, nti akan ad poling/kuesioner tersendiri ttg SP,ya akn ad kuesioner gt lah. nAH dari kuesioner itu kita bs tw knp c anak2 pd gk mw ikt SP? Harga/waktu? Ya pantengin aj lah kuesioner na,biar nti bs disampaikan ke BEM FKm n ntina sampai ke dekanat, g dgr2 c klo byk yg mw harga na bs turun byk kok.. Makana informasi kalian sgt2 kita butuhkan..
Nantina kita akn kumpul lg y di forum,makana jgn ampe gk dtg,oc bro..

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